Powerful 57 step motor-13 second per roll-5000pcs of automatic counting SMD components with label printer and scanner suit for any size
Speed 300-500mm/S Side PCB cutter separator Germany CAB blade for PCB size 0.3-3.5mm thickness length from 400mm to 1200mm

Có thể theo dõi WMS MES ERP

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Tủ dán hàn thông minh MES Truy xuất nguồn gốc FIFO Lưu trữ FIFO Máy trộn khuấy tự động Hệ thống làm ấm lại

Intelligent Solder Paste Cabinet handling MES ERP WMS Traceability FIFO Storage system Automatic Stirring Mixing Rewarming system. Simple and accurate intelligent temperature control automatic mixing MES traceability

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