Радиальный автомат RHS2B

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Machine Model: NM-RA20A
Machine Type: Radial insertion RHS2B
Макс. скорость: 0.17s/chip
Application components size: 2.5mm/5.0 Radial tape
PCB diameters(L*W): 50 x 50 mm to 508 x 381mm
Источник электричества: 3-phase AC200V,5kVA
Клеймо: Панасоник
Pneumatic source: 0.5Мпа,120L/min(A.N.R)
Machine Size(Д*Ш*В): 4460 x 1900 x 1855mm
Вес брутто: 2150 КГ
Время упреждения: 10 будни
Способ отгрузки: By sea
Условия оплаты: Т/Т
Радиальный автомат RHS2B

Panasonic used RHS2B vertical plug-in machine details

Automatic and manual: automatic placement speed: 0.17 s/chip

Equipment name: Radial auto insertion RHS2B

Сбор винограда: 2003 year

Модель: RHS2B

Speed: 0.17S, loading rack: 40*40 Станций,

Component type: 2.5mm/5.0 Radial tape,

Электропитание: 3P/200V/5kVA,

Размеры: 4460*1900*1855миллиметр,

Вес: 2150кг

The operation of the insertion machine basically includes such components as capacitors, inductors, connectors, и так далее. The engineers of the design process will divide the work of the plug-in parts of each station according to the workload and rationality, and each machine is only responsible for the installation. Several originals, and repeat the same operation, minimize the chance of error.

Machine spare part for Panasonic insertion:

X01A37001 Clip claw,X00B04007

X02A37001 Clip claw,X00B04008

X03A37001 Clip claw,X00G04131











Radial machine Model
PCB dimensions
Applicable components
RL131 NM-EJR1A 0.17 L50mm x W50 mm to L508mm x W381mm Pitch 2.5,5.0mm, Hn = Max.21mm, D = Max.13mm Панасоник
RG131 NM-EJR3A 0.25~0.6 L50mm x W50 mm to L508mm x W381mm Pitch 2.5,5.0mm,7.5mm and 10mm(option) Панасоник
RHS2B NM−RA20A 0.17 L50mm x W50 mm to L508mm x W381mm Pitch 2.5,5.0mm Панасоник
RHSG NM-RB00A 0.25 L50mm x W50 mm to L330mm x W250mm Pitch 2.5mm,5.0миллиметр Панасоник
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