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Assembleon Philips Muffler 5322 360 20106

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모델: 5322 360 20081
낙인: Assembleon Philips
사용 대상: Spare parts for placement machine
선박 기간: 비행
소요 시간: 주식
Assembleon Philips Muffler 5322 360 20106

Philips Muffler 5322 360 20106
Assembleon filter element 5322 360 20081
TOPAZ X-II 72 NOZZLE 9466 029 62481
ASSY NOZZLE 72F KV8-M71N2-A0X, 5322 360 10485

In order to calibrate the scale and rotation of the flying camera, the calibration of the fixed camera and the calibration of the Samsung Head XY offset must be performed first. For this operation, a specially made fiducial marker jig for flying nozzles is used.

Method to calibrate FLY camera and FLY nozzle
1. Press the ‘Fly Camera Scalebutton.
2. Manually remove the Samsung nozzles on all Heads.
3. Install the calibration fixture on Head 1.
4. Press ‘Next’ 및 머리 1 will move to the center of the fixed camera (adjust the lighting).
5. Press ‘Next’, Head1 rises to the Align height of the flying camera and closes the mirror.
(Adjusted lighting on flying camera)
6. To find out the scale and rotation of the flying camera, perform a calibration.
7. Flying camera 2 6 is also done as above.
8. After the calibration is completed, the results window is displayed, asking whether to update.

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