Libérez tout le potentiel de votre monteur ASM: Le rôle essentiel de la carte d’image (03115454) et comment assurer ses performances optimales.
La carte image (03115454) est le noyau visuel de la série TX/SX/XS/CP12/CP14, serving as the key component responsible for producing high-quality SMT products. Toutefois, in many SMT factories, voltage instability, abnormal shutdowns, camera short circuits, and other issues can lead to damage to the image card, resulting in equipment paralysis and reduced production efficiency.
To prevent these issues and unlock the full potential of your ASM mounter, it is crucial to regularly check the power supply and equipment standard operation to identify hidden faults and ensure optimal performance. That’s where our expert maintenance services come in.
We have a proven track record of delivering effective solutions for image card maintenance, helping SMT factories to minimize downtime and maximize productivity. Today, we’d like to share with you an actual maintenance case, showcasing how our team successfully tackled an image card issue and restored the equipment to its peak performance.
Don’t let a damaged image card hold you back. Partner with us to ensure the smooth and uninterrupted operation of your ASM mounter and boost your production output.
We’ll talk about Failure in the next post: la connexion entre la carte d’interface GIGE dans l’ordinateur et la caméra composante est rompue.